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Hvad er behandlingstiden for tysk studievisum i 2022?

By  editor
Opdateret April 03 2024

Germany is one of the most popular study abroad locations in the world. If you are thinking of studying in Germany for further education, you should know about the German student visa processing time in 2022. Many students from all over the world come to studere i tyskland. High-quality education, a diverse range of courses, and a strong emphasis on research are just a few of the factors that make Germany so appealing to international students. Studying in Germany is also less expensive than at institutions in other European countries. In general, many German public universities do not charge tuition fees for both domestic and international students.

Se videoen: Revised checklist for German student visa applications starting November 2022


Typer af tyske studerende visa

Tyskland udsteder forskellige typer af studerende visa afhængigt af karakteren af ​​dit kursus, såsom kandidater, bachelorer eller udvekslingsstuderende. Der er tre hovedtyper af tyske studerende visa:

  1. Tysk University Admission Ansøger Visa eller Visum Zur Studienbewerbung
  2. Tysk studievisum eller Visum Zu Studienzwecken
  3. Visum til tysk sprogkursus

  1. Tysk universitetsadgang Ansøgervisum

If you have been admitted to a German university, you will need to apply for a German student visa. The German student visa is the most common type of visa for international students who have been legally admitted to a German university and are ready to begin full-time study there.

2. Visum til tysk studerende

Dette er for internationale studerende, der –

  • Har søgt ind på universitetskurser, MEN
  • Ikke blevet officielt optaget på det pågældende universitet

In many circumstances, further entrance requirements – such as attending an interview or passing an exam – must be met before enrollment can be verified. This visa is intended for overseas students who need to be in Germany to take acceptance exams for the university to which they have applied. You must apply for a student applicant visa at the German Embassy or Consulate in your country. This visa is valid for three months. A six-month extension may be granted. You can stay in Germany for a total of 9 months on this visa. If you have not acquired admission to any institution by the conclusion of the 9-month period, you will be obliged to leave Germany. This visa allows you to enter Germany in order to complete the additional prerequisites for your intended course of study. Because you cannot apply for a student visa without formal evidence of admission to a German university, you will have to enter Germany on a student applicant visa and complete the necessary paperwork. Furthermore, if you receive an acceptance letter from a German university during your stay, you can convert from a German application visa to a German student visa and obtain a residence permit to study in Germany.


3. Tysk sprogkursus studievisum

This type of visa is needed when you are going to study a course in the German language in Germany. This visa is for those who want to take an intensive language course that lasts between three and twelve months. In Germany, such an intense language course must include at least 18 hours of sessions per week. Note that in some situations, a language course visa may be extended for up to one year, provided that the intention for attending the course is not to pursue further education in Germany. You will need to apply for a Germany student visa if you desire to continue your studies after completing your language course in Germany. You must return to your home country to apply for a student visa in Germany.


Krav til studievisum

  • Udfyldt og underskrevet visumansøgningsskema
  • gyldigt pas
  • To fotokopier af dit pas
  • Din fødselsattest
  • Dine seneste billeder i passtørrelse
  • Bevis for økonomiske ressourcer

Trin for trin ansøgningsproces

Her er de afgørende trin i ansøgningsprocessen, efter du har valgt det passende visum

Vælg dit universitet: Tyskland har mange universiteter, der tilbyder en bred vifte af kurser. Du skal vælge det rigtige kursus og universitet. Du kan få hjælp fra den tyske akademiske udvekslingstjeneste (DAAD), som har en database med næsten 2,000 programmer tilgængelige i Tyskland.


Tjek om du opfylder adgangskravene: Check that your current qualifications are accepted by the university before applying. You will need to also review the language specifications. Most courses are taught in German, requiring foreign applicants to show proof of their skills at the German language. If your course is taught in English, you will have to take a test such as IELTS or TOEFL. Universities will usually state the score/s they require on their websites.


Giv bevis for at have tilstrækkelige økonomiske krav: Du skal muligvis fremlægge dokumentation for, at du har de nødvendige årlige midler til at dække dine leveomkostninger.


Ansøg til de valgte universiteter: For most courses, you should apply directly to the university's Foreign Office. Alternatively, you can use the website, a centralized international student admissions portal run by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), but not all universities use this. You may need to apply separately for various courses and universities to improve your chances of being accepted by the university. Many German universities may apply for admission twice a year-either in the winter semester or in the summer semester. As a general rule, applications for winter registration must be made by 15 July, and applications for summer registration by 15 January.


Indsend de nødvendige dokumenter: Hvert universitet vil have sine egne krav til dokumenter, men de generelle dokumenter, der kræves af universiteter, er:

  • Kopi af dit gymnasiale eksamensbevis eller tidligere grader og eventuelle andre relevante kvalifikationer
  • Pasfoto
  • Kopi af dit pas
  • Bevis for sprogfærdigheder
  • Modtagelse af betaling af ansøgningsgebyr

Få en sundhedsforsikring: Sundhedsforsikring er obligatorisk i Tyskland for internationale studerende. Derfor skal du have en sygeforsikring for at dække dine medicinske behov i nødstilfælde i Tyskland. Du bliver nødt til at forfølge din studerendes sygeforsikringsdækning, før du tilmelder dig på dit universitet.


Behandlingstid Den tyske ambassade tager mellem 20-25 dage at behandle en ansøgning om studievisum. Det afhænger dog af en række forskellige kriterier, såsom det land eller den ambassade, du søger til. Det kan i nogle tilfælde tage op til 6-12 uger, med en maksimal behandlingstid på 3 måneder. Så det er tilrådeligt at ansøge i god tid.



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